Bypass un captcha

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Bypass un captcha


Un captcha simple peut être une addition. Par exemple, combien font 3 + 5 ?
Le captcha pose des problèmes d'accessibilité, aux personnes handicapées, aux aveugles par exemple.

Utilitaires en ligne et scripts

9kw solveur de captcha

Inscription avec une adresse email. Easy. Fast. Secure.
Le mot de passe est renvoyé par mail.
Compléter des captchas pour débloquer du crédit :
Source :

API ByPass Captcha V1 GHSTools

Cette API permet de convertir le texte des images ou les chiffres sur une image en simple texte ou chiffres.
Modèle d'utilisation :[URL_IMAGE]
Exemple d'utilisation :
Modèle pour récupérer la valeur :[URL_IMAGE]&prod
Exemple pour récupérer la valeur :


Site officiel :
 Faire une demande d'utilisation :
En attente d'un retour.

8 propositions, à tester

1. GSA Captcha Breaker
Captcha breaker boxGSA Captcha Breaker is a CAPTCHA recognition software for Windows that substitutes captcha solving services saving your money. It recognizes over 600 different CAPTCHA types and even allows you to edit or add your own regonition algorithm or share some with other users. Depending on the level of difficulty of the captchas, it is likely that the software will automatically solve all of your captchas on the spot. As needed, the software forwards the hard CAPTCHA cases to the paid captcha services.
2. DeCaptcher
DeCaptcher LogoDeCaptcher is captcha solving online service that uses OCR technologies for captcha recognition (versus human labour). It provides APIs for more than eight programming languages and intended to be used in other commertial software.
3. Captcha Sniper
Captcha Sniper LogoCaptcha Sniper is an interesting Windows application that intercepts requests to common captcha recognition services (like Decaptcha, Death By Captcha, AntiCaptcha and Bypass Captcha) and solves the captcha automatically in place of them. This allows you to dramatically reduce your captcha-recognition expenses since you pay only once buying the program instead of paying per each recognition!
4. DeathByCaptcha
Death By Captcha logoDeathByCaptcha is an hybrid of OCR system and human CAPTCHA solvers. You can connect to the service via API available for  C, PHP, Python, .NET C# & VB, Java, Perl, AutoIt3, iMacros and some other languages (note, though, that the documentation is available for registered users only). The delay of captcha recognition is about 10 seconds. Here you can see an example on how to use this service in C#.
5. BypassCaptcha
ByPassCaptcha logoBypass CAPTCHA is a manpower-based captcha solving service. The outstanding feature of this service is that it is focused on easy integration with any third-party software to enrich its captcha decoding functionality with automatic capthca recognition.  It provides API for many languages like PHP, Python, Perl, Ruby, Java, JavaScript, C/C++, C#, Delphi, VB.NET and others.
6. Image Typerz
Image Typerz is one more CAPTCHA BYPASS Service using cheap human labor. The difference in this service from the other similar ones is that this service will not process bad (hardly recognizable) CAPTCHAs. VIP priority can solve your captchas in less than 10 seconds for extra fees.
The service makes it easy to plug it in through numerous API for .Net, PHP, Java, C/C++, Perl, iMacros example, Command Line Program and C# HTML Posting (With Example Project).
7. ExpertDecoders
ExpertDecoders is a human based automated captcha solver.  I was impressed with the good feedback and quality service. For end users it enables one to work with API or De-Capcher API. For software vendors or software developers the service provides PHP, C# and iMacros examples.
8. CAPTCHA solving service
9kw eu logoThe Service is for those who want to engage in CAPTCHA solving. You create an account, sign in and earn bonus points or credits for solving currently submitted CAPTCHAs. Also the service works in the opposite way. You may submit your own CAPTCHAs to be solved for the bonus points (it’s also possible to purchase credits).

Une ancienne source à relire

Résoudre un captcha avec l'API 2captcha

La communauté BitcoinBlackHat propose un solveur de captcha

Forum officiel - Bitcoinblackhat :
Auto captcha sur :

Créer son propre script solveur de captcha

Un Captcha accessible pour tous en PHP

 Un Captcha accessible pour tous en PHP :
 Copie en miroir sur pastebin - N'expire jamais :

Extension de Navigateur

Extension Greasmonkey - AdsBypasser.

Vers la fin des captchas

Vers la fin des captchas avec le Captcha invisible de Google.
Google utilise un nouveau captcha invisible pour améliorer l'usage de ses services pour les humains.
Source :

Rendus de captchas devenus obsolètes

Rendus de captchas devenus obsolètes :



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